About Us


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[large_title title=”About Uber Store”]

[small_title title=”WHO WE ARE”]

It’s a sunny day in Tokyo and a group of anime princesses and warriors are becoming uncomfortably warm in their latex and polyester costumes.They’re “cosplay” enthusiasts leading a group of tourists through Akihabara.

[small_title title=”OUR MISSION”]

It’s a sunny day in Tokyo and a group of anime princesses and warriors are becoming uncomfortably warm in their latex and polyester costumes.They’re “cosplay” enthusiasts leading a group of tourists through Akihabara.

[small_title title=”FASHION STYLE”]

It’s a sunny day in Tokyo and a group of anime princesses and warriors are becoming uncomfortably warm in their latex and polyester costumes.They’re “cosplay” enthusiasts leading a group of tourists through Akihabara.

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[large_title title=”Our Skills”]

[thb_progressbar values=”60|Development,80|Design,70|Marketing,30|Coding,50|Social Media” bgcolor=”green”]
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[large_title title=”Meet The Team”]

[thb_teammember image=”110″ name=”Mark Zend” position=”Creative Director” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” googleplus=”#” linkedin=”#”]
[thb_teammember image=”151″ name=”KIMMY GULOTTA” position=”Account Manager” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” googleplus=”#” linkedin=”#”]
[thb_teammember image=”152″ name=”HENRIETTE PLANCHART” position=”Project Manager” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” googleplus=”#” linkedin=”#”]
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[thb_teammember image=”179″ name=”Casey Mallone” position=”Sales Manager”]
[thb_teammember image=”180″ name=”Jessica Hayley” position=”Office Manager”]
[thb_teammember image=”275″ name=”HENRIETTE PLANCHART” position=”Project Manager”]
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[thb_counter icon=”fa-cogs” speed=”1500″ heading=”CUPS OF COFFEE CONSUMED”]247590[/thb_counter]
[thb_counter icon=”fa-weibo” speed=”1700″ heading=”Happy Customers”]87474[/thb_counter]
[thb_counter icon=”fa-clock-o” speed=”1900″ heading=”Minutes”]128345[/thb_counter]
[thb_counter icon=”fa-glass” speed=”2100″ heading=”Hamburgers Eaten”]573[/thb_counter]
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[large_title title=”Clients” center=”true”]

It’s a sunny day in Tokyo and a group of anime princesses and warriors are becoming.

[thb_clients images=”141,143,144,145,146,147,148,149″][thb_gap height=”60″]

[large_title title=”Testimonials” center=”true”]

[thb_testimonials values=”Abraham Lincoln|Congratulations on Awwwards. Its especially hard to win with a theme.,George Bush|You guys have an eye for AMAZING design. Keep up the good work; we will be following you.,ThemeForest|5 stars for the ease of use of your theme and great support!”]

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